Oromia Region, Finfine Special Zone, Sebeta City


  • Light shows the life of God.
  • The cross shows that our Lord Jesus Christ has paid the price for our sin and that we have received mercy.
  • Eagle: The generation like the eagle indicates that the power will be renewed and he should live a high life.


In order for the heavenly kingdom of our God to walk on this earth, it became necessary to establish Jobera Generation International Ministry

An Eagle Sight

The generation like the eagle indicates that the power will be renewed and he should live a high life

Nice Time

Having great time in church 

An Enginer

Mesael general construction founder 

Hardwood Flooring

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Condo Remodeling

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet shuliea consectetur adipiscing elit.

who we are?

In order for the heavenly kingdom of our God to walk on this earth, it became necessary to establish Jobera Generation International Ministry.

what we offer?

Conducting developmental activities by coordinating generations and creating job opportunities that benefit the country and the people

Establishing prayer house

for those who do not have a prayer center.


Coordinates generations


Trainings for youth, women and men for adults:

Spiritual training

teaches the next generation to grow up with good morals.


school and health facilities

Build generation

Free of racism in attitudes

We offer the best Training for young Ethiopians

to make your dream shine join Jobera ministry

Project finished
Trophy achived
xpert workers

recent news

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nec in adipiscing purus luctus, urna pellentesque fringilla vel, non sed arcu integer,...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nec in adipiscing purus luctus, urna pellentesque fringilla vel, non sed arcu integer,...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nec in adipiscing purus luctus, urna pellentesque fringilla vel, non sed arcu integer,...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nec in adipiscing purus luctus, urna pellentesque fringilla vel, non sed arcu integer,...


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