Oromia Region, Finfine Special Zone, Sebeta City



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nec in adipiscing purus luctus, urna pellentesque fringilla vel, non sed arcu integer, mauris ullamcorper ante ut non torquent. Justo praesent, vivamus eleifend torquent, suspendisse etiam lorem vestibulum, vestibulum in lorem nec vel, sit curabitur dui ligula vehicula quam.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nec in adipiscing purus luctus, urna pellentesque fringilla vel, non sed arcu integer, mauris ullamcorper ante ut non torquent. Justo praesent, vivamus eleifend torquent, suspendisse etiam lorem vestibulum, vestibulum in lorem nec vel, sit curabitur dui ligula vehicula quam.


In order for the heavenly kingdom of our God to walk on this earth, it became necessary to establish Jobera Generation International Ministry. The work of our Lord and our medicine Jesus Christ on the cross, his glory, his power, his death, his resurrection and his coming back, the divine kingdom of God, the system of worship and service, and the building of laws, for the benefit of the people and generations, to create a problem-solving and influential generation of visionaries, inspiration and organization, who can maintain the order and tradition of the fathers who fear God, freed from the influence of the world's addiction and tithes. In his message to the people of Colossians Saint Paul says that we preach to every person who will be perfect in Christ in all wisdom. Col. 128


The vision of the ministry is to inspire the church with God's word and spirit to reveal the life and resurrection of Jesus Christ and to prepare and equip the church for leadership, prayer for the gospel, and revival of the resurrection.


To see the generation based on the word of God and to have a strong relationship with the Holy Spirit, to understand that Jesus is life and resurrection and to see the final goal as the great mission of Jesus.


  1. Conducting developmental activities by coordinating generations and creating job opportunities that benefit the country and the people.
  2. Support poor peoples by clothing and feeding 
  3. Minimize the migrant by creating job opportunity 
  4. Build the bridge in the risk area
  5. Providing clinic, pure water, school, short training for the nation 
  6. teaching leadership for government party 
  7. A prayer house shall be established for those who do not have a prayer center.
  8. Spiritual training teaches the next generation to grow up with good morals.
  9. Coordinates generations to serve their people according to their skills and abilities.
  10. It helps the leaders of the country by organizing experts for educational institutions and business activities.
  11. Constructs school and health facilities, as well as road that connects generation.
  12. Produces faithful servants inspired by the gospel.
  13. Provide biblical training and education.
  14. Forms prayer groups that pray for generations.
  15. , the gospel is preached to those Outside of Ethiopia i.e. in Africa and the world and prepares the next generation for good work.
  16. Addressing the generation through works of art, especially by paintings and books.
  17. The generation will establish or open a library where they can read books by using technologies that are suitable for the time.
  18. To build a generation free of racism in attitudes and thinking that can see from a distance like the eagle.
  19. Preparing and equipping workshops and trainings for youth, women and men for adults:


  • Loyalty
  • Humility
  • Transparency
  • Partnership
  • Truth
  • Love
  • Peace
  • Fear of God

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nec in adipiscing purus luctus, urna pellentesque fringilla vel, non sed arcu integer, mauris ullamcorper ante ut non torquent. Justo praesent, vivamus eleifend torquent, suspendisse etiam lorem vestibulum, vestibulum in lorem nec vel, sit curabitur dui ligula vehicula quam.

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