Oromia Region, Finfine Special Zone, Sebeta City

Providing praying service


In order for the heavenly kingdom of our God to walk on this earth, it became necessary to establish Jobera Generation International Ministry. The work of our Lord and our medicine Jesus Christ on the cross, his glory, his power, his death, his resurrection and his coming back, the divine kingdom of God, the system of worship and service, and the building of laws, for the benefit of the people and generations


To see the generation based on the word of God and to have a strong relationship with the Holy Spirit, to understand that Jesus is life and resurrection and to see the final goal as the great mission of Jesus.

The source of Income

From charitable individuals and organizations
spiritual institutions


Spiritual training teaches the next generation to grow up with good morals.
It helps the leaders of the country by organizing experts for educational institutions and business activities

do you need expert to build your future dream?



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